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Exh. Bambi Brown

The Southeast Jurisdiction CLGI

Exhorter Bambi Brown is a faithful member and missionary at The Pavilion, CLGI, and she instrumental in the church by initiating various fundraisers. Exhorter Brown started participated in the selling Krispy Kreme Donuts & Dinners to help her local Missions Department raise funds for the church.  She passes out blankets, coats, and food trays to the homeless and also assisted in creating emergency kits for the families in need or due to unforeseen tragedies. She serves breakfast every Friday morning at The Well Shelter as well as collected non-perishable items creating donation boxes of can goods which were given to the Sparrow Nest as part of their Community Outreach Program. Furthermore, Exhorter Bambi has participated in the “I Love Brunswick Event.” During this event Exhorter Bambi donated clothes, served food, sung, prayed, and read bible scriptures as an encouragement to those who stopped by her table. She also planned a “Pizza Day” event at The Well Shelter where she served pizza, sung songs, prayed, and read bible scriptures to the homeless to encourage them. As we read in St John 5:17, Jesus was always found doing the will of the Father, and we as missionaries should always be found doing the will of the Father.  Anything her church or missionary department requires she will be there to assist

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Exh. Constance Robinson

The Southeast Jurisdiction CLGI

Exhorter Constance Robinson started in the CLGI when introduced to Christ the Redeemer, CLGI in Gulfport, Mississippi.  Due to situations beyond her control, she later moved from Gulfport, Mississippi to Sumter, South Carolina. As the Lord would have it, she was able to join and become a member of Greater Light in 2017. Since becoming a faithful member and missionary in Greater Light, CLGI, Exhorter Robinson was appointed as assistant usher coordinator, and the Local Mission’s Director. In this position, Exhorter Robinson is very instrumental initiating various fundraisers for her church. In particular, she initiated a coin drive in her local church where she set up a collection point for the saints to drop in any unused change. Funds are collected daily and are used to support of the work of the ministry. Exhorter Robinson is creative and always looking for avenues to witness and invite souls to her church. The Lord laid it upon Exhorter Robinsons’ heart to order Our Daily Bread booklets. She purchased small gift bags where she along with the missionaries in her church placed copies of Our Daily Bread booklets, and her church business cards in bags to pass out at the mall, gas station, and local neighborhoods. During Exhorter Robinson’s daily walks, she also places copies of Our Daily Bread into open portion her neighbor’s mailbox (that is legally). This was such a great idea it was shared with other Southeast Jurisdiction local directors to aid in their outreach programs. She was also led by the lord to text scriptures to various saints throughout the organization daily. These scripture-based text messages provide daily encouragement to all recipients. Exhorter Robinson has demonstrated the usefulness of technology in performing the Lord’s work

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Msny. Pamela Thomas

The Southeast Jurisdiction CLGI

Missionary Pamela Thomas became a member of Augusta Worship Center (AWC) in 2014 after attending various meeting with her son. In 2014, AWC purchased its first building and many hands were needed to assist with the remodeling. Missionary Thomas volunteered to lead the reorganizing/cleaning of the kitchen and raised her hand to become the kitchen lead for any events being held. Missionary Thomas tirelessly washed, reorganized, labeled, and sorted all the equipment within the kitchen area. As the kitchen lead, she has prepared/distributed 1,120 meals to support the Southeast Jurisdiction Conference, Southeast Missions Meeting, and the Local Missions Meeting; oversaw the setup for three Pastoral Anniversaries, Southeast Jurisdiction Picnic, Valentine’s Day Gala, AWC Community Day, Hallelujah Fun Night, AWC’s 10th Church Anniversary, and the annual Christmas Dinner. Missionary Thomas has participated in multiple fundraising events such as selling Krispy Kreme Donut certificates, Belk’s Charity Day tickets sales, donated coins to assist the youth during the Youth Coin Drive Competition, the Barnes and Noble Christmas gift wrapping fundraiser, Macy’s “Shop for a Cause,” and assisted in setting up the CPR training so AWC could have certified nursery workers. She has cared for the sick and shut in by visiting, dropping off meals and her kind and compassionate nature was extended when visiting one of the sisters in the hospital and she took it upon herself to bath her due to the nursing staff falling behind schedule. Her greatest accomplishment in letting her light shine was establishing and leading the AWC Cares Food Pantry. She researched the policy and procedures and coordinated with various food pantries in/around the Greater Augusta area and gleamed from their experiences. Since opening, the pantry has served 114 families and provided a full Christmas dinner to 5 families.

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